Inspiring truth & good news with guaranteed media Xposure!

5 Top Tips to Gain TV Xposure

Download this guide to get Mass Media Coverage For Free
Channel 7 interview with AA Xpose Media clients Steven and Corinna Essa from 10X Effect and Social Media Worldwide

Channel 7 interview with AA Xpose Media clients Steven and Corinna Essa from 10X Effect and Social Media Worldwide


We are known for our media training, workshops, seminars and done-for-you public relations packages with guaranteed results. AA Xpose Media founder Aldwyn Altuney regularly hosts workshops, teaching speakers, authors and social entrepreneurs How to Gain over $1M worth of Free Publicity. These have been done in Sydney, Melbourne, the Gold Coast and Brisbane so far. We also run two Meetup groups – Mass Media Tribe on the Gold Coast and in Brisbane and the Gold Coast Business Laughter Club.

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Just some of the thousands of headshots we have taken over the years.


AA Xpose Media is your best shot at professional value-added photography packages for all occasions. We offer a same-night photography service at functions with more than 100 people across Australia.
Aldwyn and her team of photographers are highly experienced in their field. They are articulate, passionate, reliable, honest, friendly, creative, fair and adaptable to any situation.

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Channel 7 interview with AA Xpose Media clients Steven and Corinna Essa from 10X Effect and Social Media Worldwide

Channel 7 interview with AA Xpose Media clients Steven and Corinna Essa from 10X Effect and Social Media Worldwide


If you need a new corporate video, Sizzle Reel for your professional speaking gigs or want amazing memories captured from an event, we have it covered.
We have world-class videographers who do a fantastic job at an affordable price.

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We are the only PR company in Australia that GUARANTEES you media exposure in traditional mainstream media.
Do you have a great message, service or product you want to get out to the world and not enough people know about it?
Are you stressed, overwhelmed and want more time to enjoy your family and travel?
Publicity is one of the most powerful ways to leverage your time and get your message to the masses. Avoid being the world’s best-kept secret and let us help make you a star.
You could have the best product, service, message, event or announcement but without publicity, others in your field will keep being featured in the media instead of you. aldwyn-geoff-video-pic-2

Aldwyn Altuney interview with rugby league legend Steve Renouf, filmed by our videographer Geoff Harrison at the 2011 Caravan & Camping Show at the RNA Showground in Brisbane

Great PR allows you to:

  • Save time and money by leveraging your message to the masses
  • Boost your credibility, cashflow and profits
  • Make a difference faster in areas that matter to you
  • Charge more for what you do
  • Give you celebrity/ expert status so the media come to you for comments
  • Scale your business to be more attractive to buyers
  • Gaining publicity will position yourself in such a way that advertising is unnecessary, saving you tens of thousands of dollars on advertising in the media for little or no result.
  • Editorial exposure on TV, radio or print media by a journalist is 3-8 times more valuable than advertising with the credibility it builds. Stories are also viewed 22 times more than ads.
  • Once you have appeared in the media, you can leverage that for the rest of your life and in all your business promotions. AA Xposé Media has been successfully gaining clients media exposure worldwide since 2002 and its director Aldwyn Altuney has 35 years of media experience.
  • Our goal: is to gain you maximum free media Xposure, boosting your credibility in the community. We guarantee you media spots (in either TV, radio or print media), which we have done successfully with every one of our Propel PR campaigns.


If you would like to have a chat with one of our friendly team,
call +61 7 5571 0233 or email [email protected] Let’s chat
AA Xpose Media