Global Good News Challenge launches on June 1, 2020

Isn’t it about time we had more good news in the mass media?

If you answered ‘yes’, you will know that when you watch constant negative news, you will end up depressed and suicidal.

Did you know nearly 1 million people a year kill themselves worldwide?

Personally, I have had depression and had 4 friends who took their own lives before the age of 45. Not because they knew me by the way. Just want to clarify, I don’t have that effect on everyone.

What was tragic about it is that each of them had hundreds of people at their funeral and didn’t realise how amazing they were or the impact they had on others.

The fact is we all impact the world around us by what we say and how we communicate. It’s also good to be conscious about the news we consume and believe and the stories we tell ourselves about us or others.

There is a good news movement happening in the news and the Global Good News Challenge is designed to inspire people to celebrate the great things happening in the world and to step up with their uniqueness to be seen and heard in the mass media. You never know who will be seeing you speak who you can uplift and inspire. You could even change a life or save a life.

I set up a Global Good News Day on August 8, 2018, to reduce depression, anxiety and suicide rates by spreading more good news in the world in traditional media (TV, radio, print) and new media (social media, podcasts etc) and lift people’s spirits so we have more love, hope and inspiration and less fear in the world.

We can all do our bit to make a difference in the world. It is a day by day choice and I challenge you to share your good news every day for 7, 14 or 21 days each month, starting at the beginning of each month from June 1, 2020, at 1pm (or any time you can fit it into your schedule) to lift people’s spirits and create a better world – one Facebook Live or video at a time. How the challenge works:
Do a Facebook Live each day from 1-1.30pm AEST or any time that suits you during the 24 hours of each day beginning from the first day of each month.
If you choose the 7 day challenge, do a Facebook Live each day for 7 days.
If you choose the 14 day challenge, do a Facebook Live each day for 14 days.
If you choose the 21 day challenge, do a Facebook Live each day for 21 days. What your Facebook Live must include:
1. Your name
2. What you do
3. 3 things you’re grateful and
4. 1 piece of good news at least. This could be some good news about you (how you have overcome some hardship, something you would like to acknowledge yourself for) or good news about others (some good news you heard in the media or celebrating good news about someone else you know) TO REGISTER FOR FREE and if you would like extra mentoring & support to help boost your confidence, refine your message & presentation skills, check out the options here…

**** Media Queen Aldwyn Altuney, from her home base on the Gold Coast in Australia, is joining forces with other global good news media outlets to spread more good news. She is out to disrupt the old adages that ‘bad news sells’ or ‘if it bleeds, it leads’.

She is writing a book called Good News Sells: How to Gain Positive Free Publicity, which is due out soon. Stay tuned!

She runs AA Xpose Media and has the only PR company she knows of that guarantees media coverage for her clients.

She also runs Animal Action Events annually to help raise awareness, appreciation and respect for all animals!

Connect with her on social media – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest and TikTok or her website

Welcome to the good news crusade and here’s to spreading more good news worldwide to help decrease depression, anxiety and suicide rates and lift people’s spirits.

AA Xpose Media