AS mass food shortages and price rises continue across Australia, more health issues are expected due to the lack of proper nutrients in our soil.
The recent floods across Australia have caused widespread damage to winter cereal crops such as wheat, barley and canola as ongoing flooding threatens farms and regional businesses across some of the nation’s major agricultural regions.
Key2group director Mark Pilgrim, from Sydney, Australia, said what many people may not realise is that 90% of the food that people consumed lacked the essential nutrition required for optimum health.
Micronutrient deficiency is a global health issue affecting more than two billion people worldwide. It’s linked to poor physical and mental development in children as well as many other diseases in adults and children, including cognitive and skin disorders, malnutrition, viruses and diabetes.
A healthy diet includes large quantities of macronutrients like protein, fats and carbohydrates as well as micronutrients like vitamins and minerals. Diets high in processed foods or low in diversity may offer sufficient calories (energy) but lack the micronutrients needed for good health. This leads to malnutrition and obesity, which affects most low and middle-income countries.
“The problems that exist presently have been caused by man’s rush to produce large quantities of food without regard to the nutritional content of that food,” Mr Pilgrim said.
“Unfortunately, the focus has been on appearance and quantity instead of quality. It would seem obvious that the content of food crops can only be relative to the content of the soil. There can be nothing in the crop that didn’t come from the soil. Therefore, if the soil is devoid of nutrients, so too will the food grown be devoid of nutrients.”
With over 30 years experience in business management and technology development, Mr Pilgrim has invented a natural soil replenishment agent, called Key 2 Ag, that brings soil back to life and exceeds yields given by artificial chemical fertilisers. The product has been taken from the ground and undergoes a unique air and sound processing technology that gives 100% organic output.
It releases soil contents which include 60 separate mineral elements and more than 90 trace mineral elements as well as every other element required for optimal nutrition for any crop.
“It turns dirt devoid of nutrients into soil rich in nutrients,” he said.
“The key to healthier produce and people is healthier soil. If plants are nourished properly, they produce the ability to defend themselves and deter attacking bugs naturally so it minimises the need to use pesticides. Organic growing methods are good for the soil, the produce and its consumers.”
He said most phosphate-based fertilisers suffocated soil, like plaque, and both phosphate and nitrogen-based fertilisers have 300 times the greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide.
“We need 90 trace elements for our immune system to be at peak,” he said.
“Supplements will give you some but it’s hard to take something with mineral content and have it absorbed properly in that form. You only get less than 5% benefit from most vitamin tablets. If it’s in food in the right form then you will get the maximum benefit and have optimal health.”
For more details, visit www.key2group.com